Contact Us
If you would like to know anything about the show or be apart of the show then please don't hesitate to email or telephone us for more information or an entry form.
Mr Andy Allman Tel - 01993 771251 Commercials, Military, Collections, Tractors and
Mob- 07967547870 and M/cycles.
Mr B Begley Tel - 07500772237 Stationary Engines.
James Bates Tel - 07775686660 Steam
Chris Hipkin Tel - 07780330360 Miniature Steam
Mr R Rowland Tel - 01367 810328 Working Arena.
Anne Harris Tel - 01367 810415
Mob- 07887996356 Trade & Classic Caravans.
Auto jumble / Junk
Pete Merrett Tel - 01453 833178 Industrial
Louise Hampton Tel- 01993 851319 Cars.